Course Content
Chapter 1 : Introduction of Complexity Analysis
Chapter 2: Types of Algorithmic analysis notation
Chapter 3: Time Complexity
Chapter 4: Space Complexity
Chapter 5: Auxiliary Space Complexity
Chapter 6: Important Q&A and Complexity Chart
Chapter 7: Quiz
Mastering Algorithmic Efficiency – A Deep Dive into Complexity Analysis (HackerAlgo Confidential)
About Lesson

Chapter 5: Auxiliary Space Complexity

Introduction: Apart from the overall space complexity, there is a concept called auxiliary space complexity. It focuses specifically on the extra space used by an algorithm beyond the input size. This extra space is usually temporary and is essential for the algorithm’s internal computations.
Auxiliary Space Complexity Auxiliary space complexity is a measure of how much space an algorithm uses in addition to its input and any primary data structures. Input space is not included. It also expresses the upper bound of additional memory used and uses Big O notation.

• Example Pseudocode : function reverse_array(arr) start = 0
end = len(arr) – 1
while start < end:
arr[start], arr[end] = arr[end], arr[start]
start += 1
end -= 1

Explanation : The procedure utilizes a fixed amount of extra space regardless of the size of the input, hence, in this case,the auxiliary space complexity is O(1). Without using more memory, it switches elements while they are still in place. Understanding such in-place algorithms is a fundamental concept taught in a “dsa course,” where programmers learn to optimize space complexity while maintaining efficient solutions.
Why Auxiliary Space Complexity?
Temporary Storage: Algorithms often require additional space to store temporary variables, counters, or data structures during their execution.
• Recursive Calls: In recursive algorithms, each recursive call adds a new layer to the call stack, contributing to the auxiliary space used.
• Data Structures: Certain algorithms use additional data structures like arrays, lists, or queues for intermediate calculations, contributing to auxiliary space.

Impact on Performance:
• Memory Overhead: The auxiliary space can contribute to the overall memory overhead, affecting the algorithm’s efficiency and suitability for certain applications.
• Recursive Overhead: Recursive algorithms may have higher auxiliary space complexity due to the recursive call stack, impacting memory consumption.
• Data Structure Usage: The choice and usage of data structures within an algorithm influence auxiliary space requirements, affecting both time and space complexity.

Example: Consider the following code for calculating the factorial of a number
function factorial(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
return n * factorial(n – 1)
In this recursive factorial calculation, the auxiliary space is primarily the space required for the recursive call stack. Each recursive call adds a new frame to the stack until the base case is reached.

Conclusion: Understanding auxiliary space complexity is crucial for a comprehensive analysis of an algorithm’s resource usage. It helps in assessing the additional space requirements beyond the input data and making informed decisions about algorithm selection based on memory considerations.